Welcome to Our SBLC 2020 Virtual Conference Schedule!

Thank you for attending our Virtual-SBLC!

Remember…although our conference experience is complete, your logins into the Virtual Leadership Experience are still available to you until May 12, 2020. Continue to dive into the 200+ hours of content and rewatch the videos using your login credentials provided as a registered member of this virtual conference.

Also, it appears that several entries in the performance event portion of our state competitive events program may not have been sucecsfully received through our online portal. We apologize for this technical challenge and will work to correct it over the next week.

If you believe that your entry was not received and judged, please email the URL for your posted video to glenn@capbl.org. We will review each situation and communicate the results to you as soon as we can.

In the event that we discover entries were missed, we will have them scored and will repost the event results here.

Again, we appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through these new processes and technologies.

Thank you for your engagement in our first ever Virtual SBLC! We could not have delivered this conference without all of you!

Glenn Morris
CA PBL State Adviser



April 13th - Day 1: Opening Session, Keynote Speaker, and Ms. PBL

1:00pm PST - Opening Session and Ms. PBL Intros

6:00pm PST - Keynote Speaker

Opening Session (1:00pm PST)

During our opening session we will talk about what conference looks like, get hyped for the experience we have built for you, and what you can expect!

Ms. PBL Intros

(1:00pm PST)

Ever curious who our awesome Ms.PBL contestants are? Get a quick introduction with them!


Our Keynote Speaker: Teddy Liaw

(6:00pm PST)

Join us with a great “PBL Talk” with Teddy in a Ted Talk inspired session with your State Officers. Teddy is the Founder of GLO and CEO of NexRep. For over two decades, Teddy has been committed to helping people through his businesses, community work, and legislative change. He has successfully used the same principles of leadership in the for-profit and non-profit worlds. Check him out on LinkedIn (Click here)!

April 14th - Day 2: Alumni Q&A, State Officer Candidate Debut, and Ms.PBL Q&A

(100xed.tv videos released)

Alumni Q&A (100xed Videos)

Ever curious what it looks like after college for our awesome alumni? We will be releasing a great portal of Q&A to get to know some of our PBL Alumni.

State Officer Candidate Debut

(100xed Videos)

Who are your upcoming State Officers? Find out on Day 2 and learn more about your upcoming candidates for the new year!


(100xed Videos)

The Q&A session of Ms. PBL will consist of a series of questions testing the contestants' trivia and business-related knowledge.

April 15th - Day 3: CAPBL Leadership Forum with your State Officers, and Ms. PBL Call to Action!

100xed.tv video released - Ms.PBL Call to Action

6:00pm PST - Leadership Forum Live (Zoom Conference)

CAPBL Leadership Forum

(6:00pm PST)

Hop in a chat with your state officers at 6pm to discuss fundraising, strategies your chapter can employ, and learn more about what. your officers have been up to recently (Zoom Meet Link). Meeting ID: 232-217-211 Password: 031224

Ms.PBL Call to Action!

(100xed Video)

Check out the moving speeches from your Ms.PBL candidates! These speeches will be a deciding factor in their candidacy for our 2020 Ms. PBL so make sure to check them out!

April 16th - Day 4: Virtual Social & Ms. PBL Talent Showcase

100xed.tv video released - Ms.PBL Talent Showcase

11:00am PST - The Quest Competition Begins

3:00pm PST - Showdown: Social Distancing Trivia


The Quest Competition (11:00am PST)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be the BEST leader you can be at this virtual conference! Engage in missions, earn points, and have a chance to win prizes! Adventure awaits and it’s all accessible right at your fingertips. We invite you to participate in a variety of Quests, powered by Goosechase, our virtual scavenger hunt app partner. Join us! You’ll have fun and learn too! (Check out more info here)

Showdown: Social Distancing Trivia

(3:00pm PST)

Think that you can beat everyone else at some awesome trivia? Or just want to show your skills at how you social distance better than everyone else? Join your state officers at 3pm here (linked day of).

Ms.PBL Talent Showcase

(100ex Video)

This is your time to support your Ms.PBL contestants in their moment of virtual spotlight!

April 17th - Day 5: Showdown, Awards/Closing Session, & After Party + Ms.PBL Crowning (LIVE)

11:45am PST - Showdown: Marvel Magic Trivia (Zoom Conference Call)

6:00pm PST - Awards & Closing Session (100xed.tv live stream)

7:00pm PST - After Party + Ms. PBL Crowning (Instagram Live @CAPBL)

Showdown: Marvel Magic Trivia

(11:45am PST)

Are you ready to put your skills to the test? Are you fast enough and smart enough to beat out everyone else in the “virtual” room? Are you excited about the chance to win fabulous prizes and the glory of victory? It’s a great chance to see other members who are also in the virtual experience with you. Some are with members from your association….some are with EVERYONE from around the country! Join us at 11:45am on Zoom here!

Closing Session & Awards

The State Officers and conference delegates wrap up this unique experience!



After Party + Crowning the 2020 Ms. PBL

(7:00pm PST)

For the moment you all have been waiting for… the CROWNING of this years MS. PBL! We will be online at 7pm the day of on Instagram Live @capbl!

Conference FAQ:

Why are we going virtual?

Due to concerns of COVID19 and several travel restrictions on some of our chapters, we decided to move online after consulting all of you!

What does the conference look like?

This year's conference is going to be a 5-Day Conference. This means every day we are going to release great content for members to engage with and each day will have its own focus!

I didn't register for SBLC, but am interested in the virtual conference, can I still register?

Yes, check-in with your local chapter or reach out to Glenn at the email above to register. Local chapters will be receiving information about how to register.

Will there be a social aspect to the conference?

I really just want to network with people, it was a big part of why I wanted to go in the first place! Yes! We are working on a creative virtual social experience for members to interact with each other. Stick with us!

What resources do I need to participate?

A few of the bigger things you will need to get involved are: a computer, Zoom video conferencing app (for competitions), access to the internet, and your lovely self!

If I win in my competition will I get an award?

OF COURSE! Your award will be mailed to your advisor/college. This will include a medallion and a certificate!